about me

What led me to photography

People. Being a portrait photographer is more than just picture-taking. It’s about connecting with subjects and documenting their story. Some of my best photos of people came from already knowing them or having a fun conversation while taking their picture- we weren’t total strangers. This is why I want to share a bit about me and who I am!

Where I’m from

I’m a California girl that spent her late teen years in the deep south, and adulthood in New England. Each place I’ve lived in has inspired me in all departments of my life- my food taste, dialect, clothing, and art style. I like to think I’ve taken little keepsakes from everywhere and incorporated it into my photography. I love California’s windblown and adventurous spirit, the South’s vibrancy/soulfulness, and New England’s idealistic-cottage-y seascape dreaminess.

my hobbies

When I’m not working on client galleries, you can find me hiking forest trails, baking, or trying out street photography. One of my favorite places to explore lately is downtown Boston- if you have any food rec’s send them my way!